Find out what influences your car insurance rates. Just as no two people are alike, no two insurance quotes are identical. Insurance policies have to be personalized because no two drivers are the same, and therefore a ‘one-policy-fits-all’ will not suit everyone. A car insurance company will determine the cost based on a number of Read More
What to Look for When Buying a Used Car
Buying a used car? Check out these must-need features first! Have you run your car into the ground? If you don’t want to splash out your life’s savings on a brand new car, it’s wise to choose a second-hand car. And while investing in and buying a used car may make you a little hesitant Read More
Extend Your Car’s Life with These Tips
Stop running your car into the ground; extend your car’s life with these tips. For many of us, our car is one of our most prized possessions. It gets us to and from work, it was a hefty purchase, and it keeps us safe on the roads. More than that, it’s something that we heavily Read More
Does Your Business Need Commercial Auto Insurance Coverage?
Is driving your business (or part of it)? You may need commercial auto insurance. As a business owner, it’s natural to want to protect your foundation and employees as well as you can. Whether you own a pizzeria, landscaping business, or party bus, if your business uses a vehicle, you’ll need commercial auto insurance. Even Read More
6 Things You Should Never Do to Your Car!
Treat your car with care and avoid doing these things to your vehicle! For most people, their car is their lifeline. As one of the most expensive items people own and often the first big ticket purchase, people want to protect their car and keep it on the roads for as long as it can. Read More